Our Pricing

  • Boarding & Daycare Assessment

    Boarding & Daycare Assessment

    Boarding & Daycare combined:

    If your pet is dog-friendly under all circumstances they will get to participate in the doggie daycare and play with the group of daycare dogs. If your pet was not previously assessed for Air Buddies daycare they can be assessed during their stay.

    For pricing please click here:
    Overnight Boarding & Daycare

  • Dog Overnight Boarding

    Overnight Boarding:

    Some dogs may not want to be around other dogs or are still intact. That’s okay, we can accommodate them with plenty of exercise in their own play yard. Boarding dogs will be provided with lots of one on one play time with our staff with no interaction to other dogs during their stay.

    For pricing please click here:
    Overnight Boarding

  • Cat Overnight Boarding

    Cat Overnight Boarding:

    We allow all our guest some time out of their 2 level condos to play in the playroom. In addition, we provide various entertainment options from the the TV nature station, and nature music.


    For pricing please click here:
    Overnight Cat Boarding

  • Doggy Daycare

    Doggy Daycare:

    All pets participating in our daycare must first be assessed for suitability. Once completed, they can join our pack and experience all day play time with their fur friends in the indoor/outdoor yards. We have lots of ball fetching and other enrichment games.


    For pricing please click here:
    Doggy Daycare

  • Dog Grooming

    Dog Grooming

    Our professional dog groomers are trained to handle a variety of breeds and coat types, ensuring each dog receives the appropriate care and grooming techniques.


    For pricing please click here:
    Dog Grooming