Frequently Asked Questions

  • Canine Vaccinations
    Please review our requirements and be sure your dog is up to date before his or her visit. You can update your vaccination information online under your pets’ profile or you may have your veterinarian email their vaccination health certificate to us at: prior to your arrival. We reserve the right to accept or reject your dog from any of our services depending upon our review of its vaccination status.
    Required for Overnight Boarding
    • Bordetella (kennel cough) required yearly
    • Rabies (either 1- or 3-year vaccine accepted)
    • Distemper or Distemper combo shots such as Da2PP – DHPP, DHLPP (either 1- or 3-year vaccine accepted)
    • See below for additional requirements for dogs in Daycare and Group Playtime

    If your dog is still a young puppy, please note that we cannot accept puppies until they are fully vaccinated for all of the vaccines listed above, with no boosters left to receive. This means all vaccine series are complete, and all required vaccines have an expiration date of at least one year from the date given. Typically, the earliest that these vaccines can all be completed is by 16 weeks of age. While your puppy may be cleared by your vet for contact with other dogs and to be in public spaces safely after a certain number of booster shots, your puppy must meet these requirements before boarding.

    Daycare/Group Playtime
    In addition to the vaccination requirements listed above for overnight boarding, if you would like your dog to participate in Daycare or Group Playtime, you will also need to complete our Daycare questionnaire which is available when booking your reservation or contact us and we can email the questions to you.

    Distemper may appear on your records as just that, or in a combo shot such as DHPP or DHLPP. These shots cover canine distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, and parvovirus.

    There are three ways of administering the Bordetella vaccine: intranasal (in the nose), intravenous (by shot), and orally (in the mouth).

    Vaccine Effectiveness
    The Bordetella (kennel cough) vaccine may reduce the severity of the illness and may reduce but will not eliminate the possibility of a dog catching kennel cough. With this illness, dogs are contagious for two or three days before showing any symptoms so detection of contagious dogs prior to arrival cannot be assured.

    Feline Vaccinations
    Please have your vaccination records updated in our online system or have your veterinarian email your cat’s health certificate status to us at: before your arrival. We reserve the right to accept or reject your cat from any of our services depending upon our review of its vaccination status.

    Feline Leukemia
    1-year or 3-year vaccine accepted
    1-year or 3-year vaccine accepted
    1- year or 3-year vaccine accepted
    Covers feline rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia.

  • Dogs and Cats:

    You may bring any of the following:
    - favorite bed and/or blanket
    - water and food bowls (no glass dishes),
    - Must bring their own food so they do not get upset belly. (suggestion but not required - some owners divide each meal in zip-lock bags to ensure they have enough for the duration of their pets stay.)
    - Any toys, treats or chews you would like them to have

  • Our dog suites are 4x8 with solid panels walls so they cannot interact with the pet next them. They each have a large kennel front door.

  • Yes, you are more than welcome to visit the facility. We just ask that you set up a time to make sure we can be available. :)

  • We're open 24/7 for boarding. You can bring or collect your pet at any time.

  • Any new dogs looking to join the daycare group are required to undergo a thorough assessment to ensure a smooth integration with the existing members.

    It is essential to schedule an appointment in advance for the assessment process to facilitate a seamless transition.